Basis Analysis, Problem Diagnosis, and Optimization Concept
An analysis of the company based on existing facts and figures creates a real picture that shows the status-quo of the company.
The analysis comprises a critical evaluation of the figures, their reliability, suitability, and information content.
Weak points in production-related processes are registered by observation and a qualified survey on production, warehousing, materials management, maintenance, set-up processes, and assortment changes.
On-site, at the machine and the planning tool, we conduct interviews with employees of all levels. So we will get known to the different perspectives, including the communication flow, the decision-making processes and the way to solve problems.
Depending on the size of the medium-sized company and the complexity of the processes, an estimate of 3–8-man-days is viable for the survey, evaluation, diagnosis of the primary need for action, and presentation of the potential for improvement including a proposed solution.